Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Through Your Child's Eyes

Your children don’t see their mommy as you see yourself. They don’t see the flaws, the failures, the imperfections. They have the beautiful gift of seeing through all that. 

Instead, they see the core of everything we are.

They don’t see tired eyes in the morning. They see the mommy who was up with them at all hours of the night. 

They don’t see the messy hair and lack of make up. They see the silly faces you make that cause a laugh to ripple from their tiny bodies. 

They don't see their mommy who can't even sing a nursery song on key. They see their mommy who loves to sing all their favorite songs to them over and over again.

They don't see their mommy in a stain covered shirt. They see their mommy's shoulder where they want to rest their tiny head.

They don’t see their mom in pj’s at 4pm. They see their mommy who is on the floor helping them build a tower with their blocks.  

They don’t see the floor that hasn't been vacuumed in weeks. They see the space that they can play and be themselves. 

They don’t see the kitchen sink (and countertop...and stove top) that is cluttered with dirty dishes. They see the conversations they had with you while you were cooking and eating. 

They don’t see piles of dirty laundry that need to be cleaned. They see all their favorite clothes that they had fun wearing. 

They don’t see their mommy who has zero energy to play outside. They see their mommy who cuddles in bed and reads books with them. 

They don’t see the failed Pinterest crafts and experiments. They see the laughter and the fun they had trying something new.

They don’t see when mommy and daddy can’t afford the organic foods. They see the food that they love placed in front of them for them to enjoy.

They don’t see all the judgmental glances from strangers when in public. They see their mommy who knows them better than anyone. 

They don’t see when their mommy gets scared. They see their mommy who always protects them. 

They don’t see the limits we put on ourselves. They see their mommy who can do anything.

They don’t see their mommy who wishes she was like all the other moms. They see their mommy who they wouldn't trade for the world. 


  1. I really wish there was a “love” button for this!! Great reminder for me! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!! I’m glad this was able to remind you how amazing of a mom your kiddos see you as!
