During college, I nannied. I worked for several amazing families and through those positions I realized something. I didn’t just want to be a mom.
I wanted to be a girl mom.
I wanted to buy cute clothing. I wanted to browse through all the bows, the headbands, the leggings, the dresses and fill our home with them. Eventually that would turn into shopping adventures together.
I wanted all the girl toys. I wanted to buy dolls and barbies and dreamed of laying on the floor and playing with them with my daughter one day. Eventually that would turn into mommy daughter dates together to get manicures and make overs.
I imagined watching all the princess movies together, and down the road that would change to romantic comedies. I imagined sitting around and doing hair together. I imagined pink and purple galore. I imagined passing down my middle name. I pictured this imaginary world that was my definition of perfect. Boys were cool, but they weren't for me.
When that moment came and I found out I was pregnant the first time, I was over the moon excited. All those dreams were within reach. I began looking up baby girl clothes, toys, and accessories. I started finding girl names that matched my middle name. Everyone around me congratulated me and told me, “We just know it! You are going to have a girl!” I knew there was a possibility of me having a boy, and that would be ok, but that was a bridge I would cross when I got there.
At our 20 week appointment I was so excited. I couldn’t wait for the ultrasound tech to confirm I was in fact having a girl so I could start purchasing items. As I was getting situated, the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby and Javi and I both excitedly blurted out, “YES!”
Then, just like that, I reached that bridge. Within less than 30 seconds, our tech had this perfect view of our baby’s genital area. She was able to very confidently congratulate us on our baby boy.
I looked over at Javi who was so excited to get the boy he wanted. We exchanged a smile and a kiss and held hands as we excitedly watched as the tech pointed out all the different body parts on this precious baby boy.
Through the excitement, I sat there wondering what I was going to do with a boy. I was never once sad to have a boy, let me assure you that. The baby was healthy and that’s what truly mattered. I got that.
It’s a funny thing, though, because God always knows exactly what we want before we do. I gave birth to Grayson and fell utterly and entirely in love, of course.
Instead of the pinks and purples I longed for, my home filled with blues and greens. Instead of baby dolls, we had sports balls and cars. Instead of princesses, we had super heroes.
I not only fell in love with my son, but to my surprise, I fell in love with being a boy mom.
So much so that when I got pregnant the second time, I longed for another boy. I mean sure, there was the short lived 2 weeks where I wanted a girl. But then as I looked through girl things, I realized I truly hoped it was another boy. The girl stuff was adorable, but it no longer felt like it fit our family. Everyone assured me “It’s ok, you are going to get that baby girl! I just know it!” But it’s like people didn’t hear me. I would be ok with a girl, but it’s not what my heart desired at that moment. I wanted another boy.
We waited to find out the sex of the baby until he/she was born. It wasn’t easy but it was exciting. When I was finally in labor, I packed my bags and tossed in both a girl outfit and a boy outfit. I hoped the boy set was what would be pulled out again not too long from now.
When I gave birth, the nurses handed me our baby and announced, “Its a boy!” and I remember my heart about burst with happiness. I looked down at this new baby boy and I was overjoyed.
I had always dreamed of being a girl mom, and now here I am, the mom of two boys and loving every second of it. I mean, I could probably do without the poop jokes (although sometimes even I crack a poop joke just because I know it means I’ll get to see a huge smile and hear those adorable laughs), but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
If you are pregnant now, let me reassure you that no matter what you have, you will fall in love. And not just with the baby, because everyone knows that you will love your child no matter what. But you will love everything that comes with having a girl or boy. It may not come natural at first, but before you know it you will be a pro at dance recitals or ball games.
That sweet baby will help you see all the joy in something you never really saw before.
So don’t fear the unknown or the unfamiliar.
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